A defence specialist, Abbas Lakha QC has appeared in some of the most high profile cases to come before the Courts. He is highly respected for his courtroom advocacy skills, his attention to detail on case preparation and his negotiating skills.

Called to the Bar in 1984, Abbas took Silk in 2003. He specialises in financial crime and asset forfeiture and is increasingly instructed to bring Private Prosecutions on behalf of Companies and Individuals frustrated by the lack of action from the Police

Area of Law

Asset Recovery

He has developed a specialisation in Financial Crime and in particular asset forfeiture where he represents Individuals and Companies facing freezing injunctions and unexplained wealth orders.


Abbas has specialised in Criminal Law with experience spanning over 30+ years. He has defended in cases of the utmost seriousness including allegations of fraud, rape, murder, drugs trafficking and gun running. He has developed a specialisation in Financial Crime and in particular asset forfeiture where he represents Individuals and Companies facing freezing injunctions and unexplained wealth orders. He is increasingly instructed to bring Private Prosecutions where the Police have failed to act.

Professional Discipline

A significant part of his practice includes representing Professionals charged with disciplinary offences by their Professional bodies.


Abbas regularly represents Companies and Individuals facing allegations of regulatory offences or breaches by HMRC. His advisory practice includes advising individuals and companies concerned about reputational damage where prompt advice and action before even a formal investigation commences can prove critical.

What sort of work do I do?

Defends in cases involving allegations of serious criminality, Abbas also regularly appears before the Tribunals in relation to VAT and HMRC regulatory cases. He specialises in representing clients facing unexplained wealth orders and freezing injunctions

Who do I work for?

Abbas’ Client’s include Individuals and Companies to whom reputational damage is a major concern and he is often instructed at the pre investigative and investigative stages of cases when prompt advice and action can prove critical.

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