Direct Access Barrister

Andrew David Herd

Direct Access Barrister

Andrew David Herd

Andrew is a criminal and regulatory barrister. He is able to provide advice and representation at every stage of a case, from pre-charge through to trial, sentence and appeal.

Andrew holds an LLB (first class) and LLM (with distinction). He is a Grade 2 prosecutor, member of the SFO C panel, GMC panel advocate, member of the Civilian Stabilisation Group, and a contributor to the practitioner text, Arlidge and Parry on Fraud.

Area of Law

Asset Recovery

Andrew is able to assist clients in forfeiture matters or in the recovery of frozen assets from law enforcement. He can also provide advice on matters brought under proceeds of crime legislation and in cases involving unexplained wealth orders.


Andrew has successfully defended clients against a range of allegations from high-value thefts and frauds to attempted murder. He is also able to provide expert advice to those individuals facing discreet criminal prosecutions or at the edges of the criminal law such as driving matters, or breach of injunctions.

Professional Discipline

Andrew has appeared as an advocate in relation to professional discipline matters before health regulators including the GMC as well as other professional regulators.


Andrew has advised regulators both in the UK and abroad on a range of issues, from audits to complaints.

What sort of work do I do?

Andrew is able to advise on and provide representation in relation to a range of issues, from criminal allegations and proceeds of crime matters to professional discipline cases.

Who do I work for?

Individuals, companies, and regulators.

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