Direct Access Barrister

Camilla Khawaja

Direct Access Barrister

Camilla Khawaja

I am a dedicated family lawyer, specialising in money (incl ToLATA) and children cases.

Family Law Direct Access Accredited Barrister, Watford.
Called to the Bar, November 1998.

Area of Law


I qualified in 1998 as a Barrister of England and Wales, I began my own practice in October 2012 post many years as a legal academic. I then qualified as Direct Access Counsel in 2017. I have practised solely in money and children cases since 2017. I also run a legal consultancy founded in October 2012 in light of the legal aid cuts.

What sort of work do I do?

I am a specialist in Family Law, my main area of practice is financial remedy post a divorce or cohabitational relationship breakdown (ToLATA). I also advise on Children Act matters such as who the children live/spend time with.

Who do I work for?

Those seeking advice, guidance and representation on family law matters.

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