Direct Access Barrister

Dan Crehan

Direct Access Barrister

Dan Crehan

Dan is a barrister practising in the field of Property Law, specialising in Landlord and Tenant litigation and cohabitee disputes.

Dan has considerable advocacy experience, having successfully acted as sole counsel at High Court appellate level.

In 2024, Dan successfully acted as junior counsel in the Court of Appeal in Rahimi v City of Westminster [2024] EWCA 73, one of the leading cases on the issue of the surrender of a joint tenancy by operation of law and the circumstances in which the Court can infer a new tenancy by conduct.

Dan is known for his robust advocacy, personable approach, and thorough preparation.

Prior to being called to the bar, Dan graduated university with First Class Honours, before obtaining the Graduate Diploma of Law with Distinction and achieving the third highest “Outstanding” grade of his law school’s narrative advocacy exam.

Dan is a member of Five Paper Chambers, who are ranked as a Tier 1 chambers for social housing on the Legal 500 rankings.

Area of Law

Housing and Social Welfare

Dan is an experienced housing barrister (see Landlord and Tenant section for details)

Landlord and Tenant

Dan's practice encompasses the full range of residential and commercial landlord and tenant disputes including possession claims, disrepair claims, injunction applications, unlawful eviction claims, services charges claims and other leasehold disputes. Dan's experience includes:

- Successfully appealing to the High Court on behalf of the City of Westminster in City of Westminster v Kazam & Rahimi [2023] EWHC 826 (KB).
- Defending a Local Authority against an application to commit its CEO to prison for contempt of court.
- Representing a freeholder in a claim by a leaseholder for over £100,000 on the basis of an alleged breach of the repairing covenant.
- Obtaining a large unlawful profit order on behalf of a landlord in an unlawful subletting case.
- Obtaining a strike out of a commercial landlord’s claim for unpaid rent on behalf of a commercial tenant on the basis of the landlord’s procedural breaches.
- Drafting a Court of Appeal CPR 52CPD.19 Statement on why permission to appeal should be refused.


Dan has a particular interest in cohabitee disputes and applications under the Trust of Land and Appointment of Trustees Act 1996 (“TOTALA”). Dan accepts instructions in matters concerning:

• Applications under section 14 TOLATA
• Implied, Constructive and Resulting Trusts
• Proprietary estoppel

What sort of work do I do?

Landlord and Tenant litigation
Cohabitee disputes (applications under TOLATA 1996)

Who do I work for?

Landlords, tenants and cohabitees.

Within Landlord & Tenant, Dan frequently acts for landlords with large property portfolios, such as local authorities and housing associations.

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