Direct Access Barrister

Desiree Artesi

Direct Access Barrister

Desiree Artesi

I am a specialist civil law barrister. This means that I have experience of cases involving property, debt, building works, planning, and boundary disputes. Housing, public procurement, challenges to local authority, inheritance and wills disputes, and international appeals especially from the Caribbean region.

Desiree represents her clients fearlessly. Her own life experiences has ingrained in her an intolerance for injustice. As a barrister of over 20 years experience she is exceptionally qualified to tackle difficult and challenging cases, with knowledge of how to cut through red tape, stalling by the otherside, and moving the case along at pace.
Her expertise includes all areas of property, debt, building works, planning, and boundary disputes. Housing, public procurement, challenges to local authority, inheritance and wills disputes, and appeals from the Caribbean.
Desiree's property work includes, commercial and residential landlord and tenant (including housing), adverse possession, co-habitee disputes, mortgages, leasehold and commonhold enfranchisement.
A substantial proportion of Desiree’s practice concerns public law and judicial review, she is therefore able to tackle and has experience of any aspect of public law and statutory interpretation, planning and regulatory matters. Desiree has acted for and against public bodies.
Desiree handles complex rating appeals from the Valuation Tribunal before the Upper Tribunal (Land Chamber).
Desiree undertakes contractual matters, bankruptcy, mortgages, consumer credit matters, property related professional negligence claims, inheritance act claims, and insolvency work.
Desiree also undertakes inquest, mediation and arbitration work.

Area of Law


I advise and represent people in disputes about property and land, claims under a Will or claims when someone passes away, as well as disputes about Wills, and when people, or a business, are unable to pay their bills.


I have experience of advising and representing partners in court in partnership disputes.


I have experience of advising and representing people and companies before the court in disputes about the costs to be paid by an unsuccessful party to the successful party.

Information Technology and Telecommunications

I have expert experience in advising and representing telecommunications companies and operators in the regulatory sector.

Inquests and Public Inquiries

Through my expertise in judicial review work, I am a member of Chambers' inquests and public enquiries team.

Landlord and Tenant

I have 20 plus years experience as a landlord and tenant barrister. I can assist with disputes about residing in residential or commercial properties. I represent both landlords and tenants. My work includes for example lease extensions, expert advice on entering leases and licences, possession actions, disrepair and disputes about doing something that is not allowed by the agreement between the two parties.


I help people with disputes about ownership of property, disputes between co-habitees, boundary disputes, leasehold and commonhold claims, when there is a problem with the mortgage and repossessions, and council housing claims and disputes.

Public and Administrative Law

Public bodies and Governments must obey the law. When there is a dispute about this, I represent people or the public body before the court. I have been approved Panel Counsel for public bodies for 10 years and bring a large amount of expertise to bear in helping to solve the problem.
I have experience of judicial review challenging homelessness policies, education , public procurement and some planning.

Wills and Probate

I have extensive experience of representing people when there is a dispute about the Will when someone dies. I also represent people in Inheritance Act claims, that is, when someone dies, and does not leave provision for someone under their Will, and that person wants to bring a claim in the court.

What sort of work do I do?

Desiree is currently acting for the Family in an inquest into the sad death of an infant.
Desiree advises and represents clients in all areas of property, debt, building works, planning, and boundary disputes. Housing, public procurement, challenges to local authority, inheritance and wills disputes, and international appeals especially from the Caribbean region.
Desire's property work includes, commercial and residential landlord and tenant (including housing), adverse possession, co-habitee disputes, mortgages, leasehold and commonhold enfranchisement.
A substantial proportion of Desiree’s practice concerns public law and judicial review, she is therefore able to tackle and has experience of any aspect of public law and statutory interpretation, planning and regulatory matters. Desiree has throughout her career acted for and against public bodies.
Desiree handles complex rating appeals from the Valuation Tribunal before the Upper Tribunal (Land Chamber).
Desiree also undertakes contractual matters, bankruptcy, mortgages, consumer credit matters, property related professional negligence claims, inheritance act claims, and some insolvency work.
Desiree has successfully appeared before the panel of Judges, referred to as the Board or Privy Council, in appeals often concerning difficult, complex, and interesting points of constitutional and human rights law, whether arising in the context of civil and commercial disputes. Mediation Arbitration

Who do I work for?

I help ordinary people who are facing problems with mortgages, inheritance act claims, leasehold and commonhold enfranchisement, planning, inheritance act claims and wills, dispute with co-habitees, insolvency, and other forms of difficult disputes. My expertise is assisting in difficult cases. I also assist with appeals and can advise on the chances of success of a claim, defence or appeal.
Desiree is currently acting for the Family in an inquest into the sad death of an infant.
I also represent companies, Governments and public bodies on serious issues affecting society.
Do look at my web page to see the types

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