Direct Access Barrister

Huw Owen Shepheard

Direct Access Barrister

Huw Owen Shepheard


Huw Shepheard undertakes commercial and contractual disputes and public law litigation, advisory work and drafting over a range of practice areas and business sectors. He is a team player who enjoys working with lay and professional clients to identify and resolve problems in a way that is best suited to the client's needs.

He is direct and decisive, a pragmatist in resolving disputes, prepares cases thoroughly and is an effective senior junior advocate.

Area of Law

Banking and Financial Services

I handle all kinds of disputes between banks and customers and have 9 years' experience as in-house counsel in, and a consultant to, financial services businesses in Jersey. I obtained an MBA in financial management while working in Jersey.

Business and Corporate

I have been dealing with disputes in this area of law since 1988, when I was employed in the Government Legal Service


I have undertaken Chancery litigation throughout my career from 1988 onwards and have concentrated on this area since 2014


I have acted as secretary to the trustees of a charity and have undertaken charities litigation, as well as resolving disputes with the Charity Commission.


I have acted in a broad range of commercial disputes since 1988


I have handles criminal cases, both prosecution and defence, for well over half my practising life as well as dealing with specialised areas such as proceeds of crime, specialised prosecutions and having high level responsibility for the prosecuting process. I still occasionally undertake criminal cases, although it is by no means a significant part of my practice.


I have extensive experience of criminal fraud.

Freedom of Information and Data Protection

I have reviewed freedom of information request for various government bodies and advised frequently on data protection issues

Inquests and Public Inquiries

I have represented both public authorities and families at inquests and have appeared as an advocate in many specialised public inquiries, as well as presiding over one.

Insolvency and Restructuring 

I have extensive experience of acting for individuals and companies in insolvency proceedings

Landlord and Tenant

Dealing with disputes between both residential and commercial landlords and tenants is a significant part of my practice.


As a former Magistrates' Clerk, I have extensive experience of all forms of licensing and regularly undertake such work in my present practice.

Local Government

I have worked in-house in local government and undertake various kinds of local government work in my present practice

Mental Health and Court of Protection

I regularly represent family members in the Court of Protection

Partnership and Joint Ventures

I have extensive experience in this area both from the perspective of participants and in the use of partnerships as investment vehicles

Planning and Environmental

I have considerable experience of planning and environmental enforcement and of planning law generally

Professional Discipline

I have undertaken many cases involving the professional discipline of seafarers

Professional Negligence

I undertake litigation in this are an a frequent basis


I have considerable experience of property disputes of all kinds; they form a significant part of my current practice

Public and Administrative Law

I have extensive experience of public and administrative law, both in England and Wales and other jurisdictions.

Public International Law

A large part of my work when employed by the Bermuda Government was negotiating international agreements and I also served as an OECD assessor examining the implementation of certain specialised treaties


Protecting clients from regulatory investigations and sanctions has been a significant feature of my work since I became an in-house lawyer in Jersey. When working for government, I was, naturally, on the other side.

Shipping and Maritime

Although my knowledge is by now somewhat dated, I have acted in salvage and collision claims and in cargo disputes. My experience as a Naval Reservist also helped with my practice in this area.

Tax and Revenue

I have considerable recent experience of various kinds of tax disputes, in particular Stamp Duty Land Tax, Value-Added Tax, Capital Gains Tax and Inheritance Tax

What sort of work do I do?

Shareholders’ interests and disputes
Directors' rights and duties
Corporate governance
Development agreements and planning disputes
Local government law (but not social services)
Public law and judicial review
Financial services law and regulation both onshore and offshore
Trusts and Probate
Cross-border transactions and disputes
Drafting agreements and primary, secondary and tertiary legislation relating to the above

Who do I work for?

Individuals, Small and Medium-sized Enterprises

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