Direct Access Barrister

Melvyn Harris

Direct Access Barrister

Melvyn Harris

I am an employment law specialist with a particular interest in equality issues. I advise and represent both Claimants and Respondents and appear regularly in Employment Tribunals and in the Employment Appeal Tribunal.

I also deal with a wide range of commercial disputes as part of my wider civil practice.

You can expect high quality work from me at a fair price and prompt attention to your matter. All enquiries come straight to me and I will respond within 24 hours.

Wherever possible I quote a fixed fee for the work I am instructed to do.

I am extremely competitive and although I do not win every case in which I am involved, I always do my very best to try to do so.

Area of Law


During the 25 years I ran my own business I was inevitably involved in a variety of commercial disputes, some of which ended up in court. That experience has been invaluable in helping companies and individuals deal with such matters in the most practical manner, avoiding litigation whenever possible. When that has been unavoidable, I have considerable experience in this field having practised in commercial law for more than 20 years.

Employment and Pensions

From running my own business for 25 years I have very practical knowledge and experience of how and why disputes arise between employees and their employers and what steps can be taken to resolve them without becoming involved in litigation.

When litigation cannot be avoided I have very considerable experience in all aspects of such matters as I have specialised in employment law for over 20 years.

What sort of work do I do?

My 25 years experience of running my own business before becoming a barrister gives me a huge advantage in understanding the realities of workplace disputes. I advise and represent both Claimants and Respondents and appear regularly in Employment Tribunals and in the Employment Appeal Tribunal. I am also involved in High Court and County Court employment related litigation in breach of contract and restrictive covenant claims.

I also deal with a wide range of commercial matters, advising clients and where necessary representing them in court.

Who do I work for?

Employees and Employers, and those involved in commercial disputes

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